Adopt a dog

There is an overwhelming number of abandoned dogs in the UK and the number is predicted to rise due to the amount of people purchasing puppies during the coronavirus pandemic.

There is a lot of joy in buying a puppy, watching it grow and developing a special bond with them whilst they are young but there are also many good reasons to adopt a dog and give them a second chance at life.

Older dogs can be easier to manage and you will also have a good idea on its size, appearance and temperament around dogs and people.

They may have outgrown the chewing and destructive stage that puppies tend to go through as well as being housetrained. A lot of people say having a puppy is like having a destructive toddler about the place and it is certainly true that a puppy is tiring and hard work.

Older dogs can be calmer and may be much happier to be left alone throughout the day if their owners are at work. They also require less supervision and are much less demanding than small puppies.

When you enquire about adopting a dog you also become fully aware of any issues they may have or if they are recommended for families with small children. Temperament is hard to predict in puppies unless you have met the parents when viewing your pupPeople tend to assume that rescue dogs have “issues” but this is not the case for all dogs. Some families hand dogs into rescue centres due to financial issues, a result of divorce or if the owner has tragically passed away.

So If you are looking for a lovely family pet without going through the “puppy stage” consider adopting. Not only will you be contributing to dog welfare but you will be saving a dogs life in the process!